Size & Buying Guide

All prints on are produced to order within 3 working days, and shipped worldwide. Framed prints are made to order within 10 working days before being shipped.

Within the UK we provide 2 delivery options - tracked UK shipping with Royal Mail, or free delivery when spending over £60. International customers can order prints directly, but unfortunately are unable to order framed prints at this time. Please get in touch with us if you have any queries related to a delivery.

All prints on this site fall into four size categories; small, regular, medium and large. Where the artworks are 'A' sized, these correspond to A4, A3, A2 and A1. Where the prints are square or a bespoke size, the area of the print will correspond, where possible, to the print area of the respective A size. We have designed the following image to illustrate our size categories more clearly:


Lake District Art Prints size comparison